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Are You Interested In Day Care For Your Preschooler?

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A year from now you might be talking about your child going into kindergarten. Do you think he or she is ready for that big step? Maybe you have been considering that it’s time for your little boy or your little girl to branch out more in order for him or for her to be kindergarten ready. If you already have a plan in mind for you child’s preparation for real school, you might not be interested in reading any more.…

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Year-Round Preschool: Is It Right For Your Child?

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You want to put your child into a preschool program, but you aren’t sure which one will be right for their needs. Perhaps a year-round preschool setting can be great for your child. Depending on the age of your little one and the other needs they may have, preschool in an all-day and year-round setting can certainly be beneficial. Should your child attend preschool throughout the year? Use this guide to assist you: it may be the wisest decision for your young one after all.…

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Daycare-Related Decisions To Make With Your Ex-Spouse

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Co-parenting after a divorce presents you and your ex-spouse with a series of challenges, but good communication can often be the secret to success. If you’re sharing custody of a child who will soon need to attend daycare, it will be important to get together with your ex and decide how to proceed. Each of you may have some different ideas about which daycare will be best, so it’s advantageous to be respectful as you hear your ex’s ideas, but also be sure to share your own thoughts.…

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Three Strategies That Make ABA Therapy Successful

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If you have a child who has been diagnosed with autism, it’s important that you work with a team of therapists and physicians to come up with strategies that will best help your child learn and grow. In recent years, many therapy centers recommend a type of therapy called Applied Behavioral Analysis, or ABA, for children with autism. This is a multi-faceted therapy approach that aims to understand how your child uniquely behaves and learns, and then uses that information to increase language and communication, improve focus, and decrease problematic behaviors.…

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These 5 Considerations Will Make Choosing The Perfect Child Care Center Easier

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As a parent, it’s normal to worry about your child while you’re not around. If you’re looking for a child care center for your child, you may have fears about choosing the perfect one so your child is safe and happy. You shouldn’t worry, because there are many great facilities and caretakers out there ready to help! All it takes is a bit of extra care and consideration when looking at your options.…

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FAQs About Enrolling A Toddler In A Daycare Center

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Is your toddler’s babysitter moving out of town and you need a new one fast? If you are having a difficult time finding a good replacement babysitter, it might be time for you to consider enrolling your toddler in a daycare center. In this article, you will find the answers to some of the questions you might have about daycare centers. Will Random Visits Be Allowed? You don’t have to worry about dropping your child off at the daycare center and not seeing him or her all day.…

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Five Fabulous Tips For A Fantastic First Day At Daycare

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Congratulations, you’ve finally landed your first post-baby job! Follow these easy tips to help your prince or princess easily adjust to daycare for the first time.  Talk It Up – Begin talking about day care in a positive light, long before your child needs to go. Drive by when the kids are playing outside and comment on how much fun it looks like to be there. Mention how much an older family member loves going, and some of the fun crafts and projects that they get to work on.…

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4 Things To Remember When Looking For A Preschools

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As a parent, choosing a preschool for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will make in your life. This is because your child will be spending a majority of their days at the preschool, especially if you work full time. You want to be sure that you choose a preschool that you and your child are both comfortable with. This will give you peace of mind while you are at work since you will know that your child is being well taken care of.…

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3 Ways To Keep Your Toddler From Catching A Cold At Daycare

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During the fall, when colds and the flu abound, it is likely that there will be a virus or two passing between the children at your child care center. Children are especially prone to picking up these colds from each other, and if your young child is new at a daycare center, they may be exposed to many viruses that they have not yet built up an immunity to. While you may have to nurse your little one through a few colds this season, there are several things you can do to minimize their impact and keep your child as healthy as possible.…

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